1. Basic Policy
The Tokyo Tech Advanced Human Resource Development Fellowship for Doctoral Students website (hereinafter, “the site”) collects information from site users as required to ensure the smooth operation of the services the site provides (information delivery, feedback acceptance, etc.). The site uses and manages the information collected and handles it appropriately within the scope of the purpose of use.
2. Scope of Information Collection
- When a user submits feedback, suggestions or other inquiries to the site, the scope of information collected shall include the name, address, phone number and other information said user voluntarily submits. If the inquiry is made via email, the scope of information will also include the user’s email address visible to the receiver.
- This site automatically collects information on Internet domain names, IP addresses, users’ browsing of this site and other aspects. For this purpose, we use cookies (information the server sends to the user’s browser that is stored on the user’s computer to identify the user on the server side), JavaScript embedding, and other technologies.
3. Purpose of Use
Feedback, etc. collected as described in 2. (1) is used to improve the operation of the site. Users’ names, email addresses, addresses and phone numbers may also be used to respond to their inquiries or to contact them for confirmation.
Information collected as described in 2. (2) above is used to improve the management of the site, analyze site usage, and other relevant purposes.
4. Restrictions on the Use and Provision of Information
The use and provision of personal information collected on the site is in principle limited to what is required to achieve the Purpose of Use described in 3. above. However, personal information may be provided to third parties outside Tokyo Tech in cases involving a request for disclosure based on laws and regulations, when the site has been illegally accessed, or when threats and other illegal acts are made via the site. The same is true in cases involving when there are other special reasons, or when the individual’s prior consent has been obtained.
5. Security Measures
We take security measures to prevent unauthorized access to personal information collected through the site; prevent the loss, destruction, falsification or leakage of said information; and to appropriately manage said information.
6. Disclosure of Your Information to You
In principle, we do not accept requests from individuals who have sent us feedback via the contact us form, etc., asking to disclose their personal information
7. Scope of Application
This privacy policy is applicable only to the site. The privacy policy of handling personal information on the site as described above may be revised as necessary.
8. Points of Concern
About the Google Analytics Service
We use the Google Analytics service to statistically track traffic on the site. This data is used to make decisions regarding the management of our organization and to improve the site. We use first-party cookies to collect traffic data used by the service. For more information on how Google Analytics handles personal data, please refer to the service’s overview page on Google’s website.